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blinds-2you Tips:
If your recess depth is 60mm or less or the window opens inwards, you'll be best off with an exact fitting. For recesses bigger than 60mm it's really just a matter of personal taste.
When measuring to fit inside the recess, check for anything such as tiling or picture rails that could get in the way and take them into account when measuring. We normally advise just to measure between any tiling so as to ensure a nice, snug fit.
For the best results when measuring for an exact fitting, allow your blind to overlap the edges of the recess by at least 35mm on each side. We'll then make a blind for your exact measurements and ship it with the brackets which will add an additional 3mm to the size you give us.
Additional Information:
The fabric width is 35-40mm narrower than the overall width of the blind to allow for any control component on the side of the tube (or 'cassette'). Please note that the bottom rail is 1cm wider than the fabric at either side, due to the end caps required to hold the rail in place. We always manufacture the full blind width and not fabric width. If you are fitting one of these blinds outside of a recess, you may want to consider measuring wider to allow for some fabric overlap.
We try to make the measuring and ordering process as simple as possible - so for a recess fitting, we only require the full size of your recess space and we will make small adjustments to enable the blind to fit within that space. We make a 5mm deduction to the width of this blind. If you wish to make your own allowances and do not require us to make them, please select exact fitting and not recess during the order process.
To ensure accurate measuring for bay windows, please consult our Bay Window measuring guide or for more help with measuring for blinds, or getting a perfect fit, take a look at our simple step-by-step demonstration videos in our video section.
If you are still unsure about your measurements then don't worry, just put your mind at ease and consider adding our 'MeaSUREguard' protection to your order. For just an additional 10% charge we promise to replace or alter your blinds if you find that you have made a mistake with your measuring. Available on all made to measure blinds at the checkout.